Bartosz Smyk – Bart
Wildlife Guide
Nature and wildlife have been Bart’s essential hobby since he was a child. He has actually started birdwatching over 30 years ago. His amazing memory stores gigabytes of knowledge about Polish nature and Bart loves to share it generously. He is an expert on Polish fauna of vertebrates.
Bart comes from south-western Poland and has graduated University of Wrocław as a MSc in Environmental Biology. He is the author and co-author of numerous scientific papers on Polish birds. He is also a volunteer at an Ornithological Station on Milicz fishponds and an editor of a regional paper “Birds of Silesia”.
Despite of being involved in numerous wildlife projects for few decades, Bart still has unwavering enthusiasm and a spark in the eye whenever he takes people around his favourite sites – Białowieża Forest, Biebrza Marshes and Carpathian Mountains.