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European Bison On A Flowery Meadow In The Białowieża Forest

Primeval Forest & Marshes, Aug 2016

Here goes another trip report from our last Primeval Forest & Marshes 8-day tour in the Białowieża Forest and Biebrza Marshes this summer. Please enjoy a small sample of photographs below and a full pdf with a trip report and a checklist:

Summer Primeval Białowieża Forest and Biebrza Marshes, trip report from Aug 2016 › (pdf, 2.3 MB)

Wejmutka Lodge - Our Home In The Białowieża Forest
In The UNESCO Core Area Of The Białowieża National Park
Waiting For Bison In The Białowieża Forest
Bison And Lesser Spotted Eagle In The Białowieża Forest At Dawn
Lesser Spotted Eagle In The Białowieża Forest At Dawn
Photographing European Bison In The Białowieża Forest
European Bison In The Białowieża Forest
Watching European Bison In The Białowieża Forest
European Bison In The Białowieża Forest
European Bison On A Flowery Meadow In The Białowieża Forest
Watching A Wild Herd Of European Bison In The Białowieża Forest
Wild Herd Of Bison In The Białowieża Forest
Wild Herd Of European Bison With Young Calves In The Białowieża Forest
Wild Herd Of European Bison In The Białowieża Forest
Fresh Wolf Territory Marking - Scratching In The Białowieża Forest
Wild Wolf In The Białowieża Forest, Photo By David Chen
Whooper Swans In The Dojlidy Fishponds
Watching Elks In The Biebrza National Park At Dusk
Honey Buzzard In The Biebrza National Park
In The Biebrza National Park
Watching Beavers On Wild Poland Boat Cruise
Wild European Beaver Seen On A Boat Cruise
Lunching In The Biebrza Marshes
Watching Elks At Sunset In The Biebrza Marshes
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