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Wild Poland's Białowieża And Biebrza Site Guides

A mammal trip with our Site Guide – customer review

Wondering how good the WildPOLAND Site Guides actually are? Read a mail we received and a trip report from our clients, September 2011.

Stefanie Lahaye, Belgium, 10 April 2012:

“Hey Lukasz,

In September last year, me and my boyfriend Tim spent a couple of days in Bialowieza. We had a great trip, mainly thanks to the fantastic information in the site guide that we bought from your site. Thanks for putting so much effort into it. Anyone visiting the region without this source of information is being a fool ;-)

We loved the info, maps, pictures, descriptions and humour! We didn’t have much time to prepare the trip, but in fact, we didn’t have to spent hours looking for information because everything was already in the site guide! We found more or less all the species that we were looking for. Unfortunately most spring and summer visitors had already left, but we were still very happy with two new woodpecker species, lesser spotted eagle and hazel grouse.

I finally managed to make a trip report of our visit. Of course I didn’t forget to recommend the site guide. I put the report on my blog. If it is of interest to the website, you may certainly add a link to the report:

Next, we want to visit Biebrza as well, and actually we already can’t wait to return to Bialowieza either!

Cheers, and keep up the good work!”

A direct link to the PDF file with the trip report:

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